Now that Christmas is over, it is time to decide how to dispose of those live Christmas trees. Keep Rome-Floyd Beautiful encourages locals to discard trees responsibly by bringing them to the annual Bring One for the Chipper event on Saturday, January 7th, 2023 from 9 am to noon in the parking lot of The Home Depot, 103 Hicks Drive.
Hannah Bagley, KRFB Director, says that Christmas trees will be repurposed at popular fishing spots. Tree recyclers will be given saplings in exchange for those trees, courtesy of the Georgia Forestry Commission and Keep Georgia Beautiful.
People unable to attend Bring One for the Chipper may take their Christmas tree to the Rome-Floyd ECO Center, which will hold the trees until the day of the event, adds Bagley.
Keith Mickler, the University of Georgia Extension agent for Floyd County, urges locals to ‘bring ‘er on’!
For additional information, contact Keep Rome-Floyd Beautiful at (706) 236-4456.