Gas prices in Georgia continue to hold steady, according to AAA, The Auto Club Group. Motorists statewide are now paying an average price of $2.43 per gallon of regular unleaded, the same as last week, four cents less than one month ago and 14 cents less than the same time last year.
It now costs $36.45 to fill a 15-gallon tank of gasoline. That’s $6.15 less than what motorists paid in May of 2018, when pump prices hit last year’s peak of $2.84 per gallon.
Montrae Waiters, AAA spokeswoman, states, “Georgia gas prices have been trending lower for the past two weeks.”
Waiters adds, “When it comes time to fill up, motorists should keep in mind that gas stations along highly traveled routes may find prices more expensive than in-town.”
Sunday’s national average stood at $2.62 per gallon of regular unleaded, two cents more than last week, but two cents less than at this time last month and eight cents less than this time last year.