Media release from Georgia Highlands College:
Explore works by artists Andy Warhol, Pierre-Auguste Renoir and Pablo Picasso at the Georgia Highlands College (GHC) Cartersville site library on Friday, January 17, from 4:30PM to 7PM.
The Cartersville site library is located on the second floor of the A building at 5441 Hwy 20 NE, in Cartersville.
The masterpieces are on loan through the Glen and Edith Reed Family collection. Light refreshments will be served alongside exciting announcements from the GHC School of Humanities.
“You’ll get to check out an amazing collection featuring works by Warhol, Renoir and Picasso — yes, the actual artists,” Dean for the School of Humanities Jessica Lindberg said. “These masterpieces are loaned by the Glen and Edith Reed Family and trust us — you don’t want to miss this rare opportunity.”
Faculty and students from the GHC Art Club and Highlands Film Society will be on hand to answer questions about the college’s new Bachelor of Science in Digital Media and Communication.