Now is the perfect time to get outside and enjoy the Fall colors around North Georgia!
Kim Hatcher, Public Affairs Coordinator for Georgia State Parks and Historic Sites, says that, thanks in part to cooler temperatures earlier this month, parks are adorned with color so now is the time to visit.
Leaf peepers are encouraged by Hatcher to check out the Leaf Watch travel planner at to view the list of the Top 10 Parks for Fall Color, an events calendar, and more.
Peak of Fall color usually begins in mid- to late-October in north Georgia’s highest elevations and lasts into mid-November around middle and southern Georgia, according to the Georgia State Parks and Historic Sites website.
Hatcher suggests that leaf peepers visit the parks early in the morning on the weekends or even during the week to avoid the crowds.
Here’s a reminder for local leaf peepers that the annual Tree Walk with Keith and John, presented by Floyd County Extension Master Gardener Volunteers, will take place this Thursday, October 31st – Halloween – from 2 pm to 4 pm. Participants will meet at 2 pm by the flagpoles outside the Extension Office located on 4th Avenue in downtown Rome. Keith Mickler, UGA Extension Coordinator for Floyd County, and John Hendrickson, Master Gardener Volunteer, will lead the walk. Those with questions may call the Floyd County Extension Office at (706) 295-6210.