(Media release from The Community Foundation for Greater Rome):
The Community Foundation for Greater Rome will kick off its 8th annual grant cycle with a seminar at the Rome-Floyd Chamber of Commerce on October 3rd at 9:00 am. At the seminar, local nonprofits can learn about this year’s grant criteria.
“We are emphasizing and weighting grants that can demonstrate collaboration this year,” said Ashley Garner, Executive Director of the Community Foundation. “At the seminar, nonprofits can learn strategies for collaboration and how working together opens them to more funding opportunities not only from our Foundation but funders in and out of Rome as well.”
The Greater Rome Impact Grant Fund is made possible by the generosity of donors who direct the Foundation to give to the areas of greatest need in Rome and Floyd County. The grant cycle also includes a grant from the First Christian Church Heritage Fund, which was established from the sale of the historic First Christian Church property.
“Applications for this grant must either enrich the spiritual lives of participants, support diversity or further social justice,” said Scott Smith, chair of the board of directors of The Community Foundation for Greater Rome.
The October 3rd seminar will also include information about this grant and is open to any nonprofit in Rome and Floyd County. The deadline for both grants is Tuesday, October 31, 2023.
The Community Foundation will award grants totaling at least $25,000 from the Greater Rome Impact Fund and one $3,000 First Christian Church Heritage Fund.
“Last year we received proposals for more than ten times the available grant funds. We had several high quality proposals we were unable to fund. Organizations need to put forward their best ideas for maximum impact and collaboration,” added Smith.
Additional information on both grants is available on the Community Foundation’s website at www.cffgr.org.