(Media release from Floyd County Schools, GA):

Through the ARP (American Rescue Plan) Federal Grant that Floyd County Schools received, the district chose to focus on funding the fine arts programs.

The funding consisted of providing all things equipment, products and materials needed to make the fine arts programs even more successful. The process started two years ago, with FCS choosing to partake in two rounds of purchasing for the programs. Due to supply chain issues, the fine arts programs have recently received almost all of their new products and are currently in use.

“On behalf of our students and staff, we would like to thank Dr. White and our Board for their unprecedented support of the Fine Arts Programs in Floyd County Schools,” stated FCS Fine Arts Coordinator, Sherry Childs. “The purchases we have been able to make for our programs will benefit students for many years to come. Most recently, we were able to replace band instruments that, in many cases, were over twenty years old and had been repeatedly repaired. The new instruments are a huge boost to our programs adding a plus to our ” Triple A ” programs of Academics, Art and Athletics!”

An overview of the items purchased:

  • Band:
    • All middle school and high school band programs received new instruments for instruction, performances and competitions
    • Band uniforms for all high schools are in the process of being selected 

“The recent purchase of new band instruments and equipment by Floyd County Schools has set our band up for true success,” Mr. Caleb McDonald, Coosa band director, said. “Instruments that were made in the 1960’s no longer have to be the main ones used. This generosity has injected new life into our band program, and will continue to impact us for many years to come!” 

  • Art:
    • Art supplies and kilns 
  • Music: 
    • Sheet music for music appreciation and chorus students 
    • Musical instruments for primary and elementary schools 
  • Dance:
    • Dance wear
    • Mirrors for the dance studios 
    • Exercise equipment

“Thanks to Floyd County’s support, our dance students now have a space to learn and grow in their art form, tailored specifically to meet their needs,” Jessica Tucker, dance coach at Model High School. “We are so thankful to Floyd County for supporting our dance program, and providing an outlet through the arts, what a gift!” 

  • Theater:
    • Materials for props 
    • Costumes and materials for costumes 

The impact of the grant has already been incredible for the students in Floyd County Schools and the benefits of these investments go far beyond the physical objects themselves. The fine arts programs have provided countless students with an outlet to express themselves and hone their artistic skills and the district is excited to see that to continue to excel.

“Our students and staff are incredibly humbled by the instruments and equipment purchased for our band program,” said AHS band director Seth Bates. “Instruments and equipment being held together by duct tape and a prayer are no longer being used, and the students have a new sense of pride and excitement for the instruments they are using! Assigning the new instruments to students was like watching children open presents on Christmas Day! It was an experience I’ll never forget!”

Students and staff across the county in the fine arts programs have expressed their gratitude towards the funding. Pepperell High School band director, Thomas Casey, and band students took the time to write handwritten notes to the district office to show their appreciation. 

The district is very thankful for the opportunity to utilize the ARP federal grant in such a positive way and ensure that their students have access to all types of opportunities and experiences.