If you have been thinking about participating in the 37th annual Gary Tillman Memorial Clocktower 5K Road Race and 2-Mile Health Walk scheduled for Saturday, August 20th, now is a good time to register. Race day registration is not going to be offered this year.
Registration costs $30 for the 5K and $25 for the 2-Mile through August 11th. The cost will be $35/$30 from August 12th through 16th.
Proceeds will benefit the Exchange Club Family Resource Center. Their goal is to prevent child abuse, according to race co-chair Jason Sanker.
Teams of 10 or more (any combination of run and walk) receive a discount of $3 per person. The registrations for each team must be submitted together no later than August 11th.
Find the link to register and learn more about the race on the Exchange Club Family Resource Center’s website at www.exchangeclubfrc.org.
The 5K race will again this year serve as a qualifier for next year’s Peachtree Road Race in Atlanta.