Are you looking for a job? Positions are now available with the Northwest Georgia Housing Authority, indicates Hannah Phillips, Executive Assistant. The organization seeks mechanics, teachers, and more.
Volunteers and community partners are also sought. Interested parties should reach out to the authority for more information.
Many upgrades have been made to public housing units around this area over the past few years, asserts Phillips. This is largely thanks to HUD funding.
The mission of the Northwest Georgia Housing Authority, as indicated on the website, is to provide decent, safe, and sanitary housing for eligible families, and to promote self-sufficiency and economic independence for its residents; to establish drug and crime free communities; and to assure fiscal integrity in all programs administered by this Authority without discrimination.
Learn more about NWGHA, including their latest job opportunities, online at
Cave Spring’s housing authority recently merged with NWGHA. The former had been managed by the latter since February 2020.