(Floyd County Schools media release):

Across the state this week, local school systems hosted their own Georgia Future Educators Signing Day. The Floyd County Schools College and Career Academy (CCA) was proud to participate in this special event. This initiative provided the opportunity to recognize high school students who have decided to dedicate their service in the field of education. Seniors at the CCA in the Teacher Education pathway signed with Georgia Highlands College, Shorter University, Georgia Southern University, University of North Georgia, Jacksonville State University, and Kennesaw State University. These students have been in the Teacher Education pathway for two years, working in classrooms across our system. They have had the opportunity to work in elementary and middle school classrooms, completing internships, and spending more than 275 hours observing and working with children and teachers in our local schools. So, by the end of the two years they have enough experience to make a solid decision about the career they have chosen. While the agreement the students signed was not a legal, binding agreement, it was a great way to express their commitment to a future career. 

The Teacher Education pathway is so thankful to Dr. Christie Calhoun, Department Head in the School of Education at Jacksonville State University; Dr. Dana King, Dean of the School of Education at Shorter University; Dr. Alan Nichols, Dean of Education and Social Sciences at Georgia Highlands College; Dr. Glenn White, Superintendent of Floyd County Schools; and Jenny Wear, Assistant Principal of the FCS College and Career Academy for their participation in the ceremony. As well as the parents and grandparents who were able to attend and for their constant support of their children. They are so appreciative for the video message from Dr. Sheri Hardee, Dean of the College of Education at University of North Georgia and the gifts received from Dr. Christina Thompson from the College of Education at Georgia Southern University since they were unable to attend the ceremony. It was an amazing day and truly warmed the hearts of their educators to see these young men and women follow their own hearts to make a difference in the world and in the lives of Georgia’s future youth.