Rome-Floyd Parks and Recreation is now hiring! Job opportunities for the summertime are available to those age 16 and over, according to Jim Alred, Recreation Services Manager, who adds that Red Cross-certified lifeguards are especially sought at this time to work over at the Northside Swim Center, which is set to open for 2021 in late May. Job listings are featured on parks and rec’s website at; those opportunities additionally include summer camp counselor and concession stand worker.
Summer employees are also needed to wear mascot costumes and drive the Parky’s Polar Treats truck, asserts Alred.
Rome-Floyd Parks and Recreation teamed with Keep Rome-Floyd Beautiful on Tuesday to kick off an Earth Week Celebration with a National Arbor Day Celebration at Etowah Park. Around 50 people were on hand for the planting of 17 trees which were donated by International Paper. Alred offers an Earth Week reminder that local parks are perfect spots to get outside and appreciate nature.
Updates on parks and rec activities are featured on their social media outlets. Get details about Earth Week events at or via KRFB’s Facebook page.