If you love barbecue, you will want to head over to Cave Spring on Saturday for the Cave Spring Pig Out BBQ Cook Off, Car Show and Quilt Show. The event will take place at Rolater Park. Admission is $5. Tasting will begin at 11 am on a first come, first saved basis. Competitors will vy for trophies and cash prizes in professionally judged categories, as well as for trophies – along with bragging rights – in the Peoples Choice category.
This event is presented annually by the Cave Spring Downtown Development Authority. Executive Director Sandra Lindsey highly recommends that locals participate in the barbecue tasting.
Funds raised by the Cave Spring DDA will be used for beautification projects around the downtown area, along with special programs, states Lindsey. Find more information about the Pig Out BBQ online at www.cavespringga.com.